Full body x-ray, front and back views.Note the dark spots in the left thumb and pancreas.
The implant appears to be behind the pituitary gland, but skillfuly positioned in the pituitary cavity. The implant is very geometrically shaped. With parallel sides and sharp corners. Not a natural object.
Using special computer software, the implant appears three dimensional. with small sharp protrusions at its base. And about one quarter of its height in width.
The two implants are circled. The one in the thumb is very " active " and appears to be a square object. But may have slightly inwardly sloping top edges.
If the growth hormone is excessive during childhood and adolescence, giants are produced. If insufficient, dwarfs are produced. If the pituitary is overactive later in life when the bones can grow no further, the head, hands and feet may enlarge [ arcomegaly ].
Slow sexual development and reduced fertility can be treated by extracts of pituitary gland hormones.
The main pituitary secretion is adreno-cortico-trophic hormone or ACTH. Directly stimulating the cortex or outer part of the adrenal gland [ deals in control of stress ]. Other pituitary substances are associated with the secretion of milk and the activity of the thyriod gland.
The posterior pituitary is also connected to the brain with many nerve fibers, regulating weight, sleep, muscle coordination and emotional activity. Effects on the system of involuntary muscle control when inactive and can be used to assist childbirth. Pituitary inactivity causes sleep to easily occur.
The pituitary also has a relationship with the pancreas producing insulin.
Disorders of the pituitary or thyriod glands may cause spontaneous abortion. So does poisoning by lead,mercury or zinc, vitamin deficiency, overexposure of x-rays or radium radiation.
Carol also has been analysed to have excess mercury in her brain. She is uncertain how this has occurred.
If you can offer constructive assistance in successfuly helping Carol obtain her medical records, and bring the results out into the open, than contact me.